44 Plays for 44 Presidents

by Andy Bayiates, Sean Benjamin, Genevra Gallo-Bayiates, Chloë Johnston, Karen Weinberg

University of Alaska Anchorage
October 2015

Directed by Brian Cook
Scenic Design and Technical Direction by Daniel Glen Carlgren
Costume Design by Lisa-Marie Castro
Lighting Design by Daniel Anteau
Stage Management by Adi Davis

Kimberly Allely
Jonathan Baird
Jake Beauvais
Angela Colavecchio
Jordan Crenshaw
Devin Frey
Taran Haynes
Alexandra McCall

As another presidential election cycle begins, we invite you on a madcap ride through the past 226 years of presidential history. 44 Plays for 44 Presidents features every one of our nation’s presidents in his own short play, with some of the best and worst of American history highlighted: victories in war, landmark legislation, scandals, and assassinations. At times funny and others poignant, the play shows that “the history of the Presidency is in many ways the history of our people.”


Production Photos

1. General Washington in the Garden of Eden

George Washington (Jake Beauvais) looking presidential.

2. Second Fiddle

President John Adams (Devin Frey) gives Thomas Jefferson (Jordan Crenshaw) a pile of acts, including the Naturalization Act, Alien Act, Alien and Enemies Act, and the Sedition Act.

3. The Roast

Benjamin Franklin (Taran Haynes), left, roasts Thomas Jefferson (Jordan Crenshaw)

4. There was a time when America was small

Extensive video projection was used throughout, here to show the burning of the White House during the War of 1812 and James Madison's (Jonathan Baird) presidency.

5. Doctrines and Compromises (or, the Cat Fight)

James Monroe (Kimberly Allely) spouting off the "Monroe Doctrine."

6. An Uncomfortable Position

John Quincy Adams' (Jonathan Baird) parents (Angela Colavecchio, Devin Frey) try to convince him that he's special enough to run for President.

7. King Andrew I

Andrew Jackson (Jake Beauvais) speaks to his constituents.

8. Van Buren: Jackson's Bitch

President Martin Van Buren (Devin Frey) tries to prove that he's his own man.

9. As Karma Sees Fit

William Henry Harrison (Angela Colavecchio) tries to prove how tough he is.

10. What Do We Call His Accidency?

John Tyler (Jordan Crenshaw), the first vice president to ascend to the presidency due to vacancy, struggles to convince the country that he's worthy.

11. Destiny

James K. Polk (Jake Beauvais) and his wife Sarah (Kimberly Allely) dance.

12. The Suspicious Death of Old Rough and Ready

The South (Alexandra McCall) tries to steal California from Zachary Taylor's watchful gaze.

13. Yawn...

Because talking about President Millard Fillmore is so boring, the presenters (Jonathan Baird, Angela Colavecchio and Taran Haynes) shove bread in their mouths to keep things interesting.

14. Broken

A Woman (Kimberly Allely), right, mourns the loss of her child due to the lies of her husband, President Franklin Pierce (Jordan Crenshaw). Aide, left (Devin Frey).

15. Everyone Has a Theory

A group of gossips discusses the terrible presidency of James Buchanan.

16. Tyrannus Constantine

Mourners (from left, Alexandra McCall, Jonathan Baird, Taran Haynes, Jake Beauvais, Kimberly Allely, and Jordan Crenshaw) sing a dirge at the funeral of President Abraham Lincoln.

17. AJ

President Andrew Johnson (Jake Beauvais) has nightmares about Lincoln, Reconstruction, and impeachment.

18. The Legend of Ulysses

The tumultuous life and career of Ulysses S. Grant (Taran Haynes) is recounted.

19. Lemonade and Vote Fraud

While they hand out lemonade to the audience, the actors recount the election of 1876 while Rutherford B. Hayes and his challenger Samuel B. Tilden wrestle over the presidency.

20. Dance of a Thousand Ironies

President James A. Garfield (Taran Haynes) preaches and comforts a wayward soul (Jonathan Baird) as a group of corrupt politicians plans to tempt him with favors to accept the presidency.

21. Will the Real Chester A. Arthur Please Stand Up?

A game show features an audience member answering questions about President Chester A. Arthur.

22. Uncle Jimbo Does What He Wants

President Grover Cleveland (Devin Frey) celebrates his election with his wife Frances (Alexandra McCall) and a group of friends.

23. Little Ben

A disputed discussion of President Benjamin Harrison's legacy.

24. Big Steve Fucks Up

President Cleveland's second term doesn't go very well, as a variety of issues drives him out of the White House.

25 The President's Programme Today:

The assassination of President William McKinley (Jonathan Baird) by Leon Czolgosz (Taran Haynes) is witnessed.

26. Teddy

Alice Roosevelt Longworth (Kimberly Allely), the President's eldest daughter, recounts so many of the exploits of Teddy Roosevelt that he has to be played by 4 actors (Jake Beauvais (pictured), Angela Colavecchio, Jordan Crenshaw, and Devin Frey).

27. William Howard Fatt

President-baby William H. Taft (Alexandra McCall) is spoonfed applesauce by a Woman (Taran Haynes) while Teddy Roosevelt (Jordan Crenshaw, not pictured) tries to convince him to succeed TR as president.

28. A Lecture on Myself

President Woodrow Wilson (Jake Beauvais) presents a lecture on himself.

29. Facts, Opinions and Superlatives (Oh My)

President Warren G. Harding (Jonathan Baird) tries to demonstrate his Presidential qualities, while two women (Kimberly Allely and Angela Colavecchio) provide alternative evidence.

30. Silent Cal

President Calvin Coolidge (Devin Frey) sings about himself.

31. Know When to Walk Away

As President Herbert Hoover (Jordan Crenshaw) plays with his Rube Goldberg Machine/Economy, a man (Taran Haynes) recounts daily life in Depression Era America.

32. Character Above All

The accomplishments of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor are told.

33. The Not-So-Fair Deal

President Harry S. Truman (Angela Colavecchio) discusses his shock at the death of FDR as he prepares to authorize the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

34. Like Ike?

President Dwight D. Eisenhower (Alexandra McCall) is taunted by protestors.

35. Undone

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy is remembered. Original music composed and performed by Jonathan Baird.

36. LBJ

The second President Johnson (Devin Frey) to succeed to an assassinated predecessor has similar nightmares.

37. One Nixon, Underdog

A singer (Alexandra McCall) is accompanied by a chorus of Watergate burglars.

38. The Rise and Fall of a President

President Nixon's troubles smack his successor, Gerald Ford (Taran Haynes), in the face. It is one of Ford's many falls.

39. Jimmy Who?

Nobody wants to listen to President Jimmy Carter (Jake Beauvais).

40. Reaganolitics

President Ronald Reagan (Kimberly Allely) obfuscates as Oliver North (Jonathan Baird) trades guns for hostages.

41. The Bargain: Prelude to a Great Divide

President George H.W. Bush (Devin Frey) sings hopefully about his past, but Lee Atwater (Jake Beauvais) convinces him to move strongly to the right to win election.

42. How the left was lost

President Bill Clinton (Jordan Crenshaw) charms his audience while also selling them out.

43. The Great Divide

Proponents of both the left and the right debate the legacy of President George W. Bush.

44. Can he? 

President Barack Obama (Jordan Crenshaw) tries to reunite the country.